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Calculator App
In this section you will find several calculators. These are forms to be filled out in subsequent steps to allow us to have all the information necessary to create a rough estimate that is as detailed as possible.

Calculate the cost of the App
Frequent data updating requires connection to an external database with CMS.
More than one platform can be selected. The number of platforms affects the final cost.
Is the App free or paid?
Does the app need to be able to send push notifications?
The app must have AR or VR functionality

Please tell us your project
Write for information or for any other request. We remind you that for quotes or to have a generic estimate of costs you can consult the “calculator” page.
Contact us for any request, for estimates, advice or even to ask for information on projects already published. We also remind you of the “calculator” section to get detailed estimates.
+39 02 87 07 53 43