We periodically publish offers with significant discounts. Why do we do this? Simple, we think it’s a good way to make ourselves known and acquire clients, who, after having “tried” us, may perhaps decide to entrust us with other projects later. In any case, products like ApplicaWeb at this price are unlikely to happen again… carpe diem.

Offer valid until 30 October 2023. Frame the QRcode to install a demo.


PWA application with integrated CMS

It is an app that is installed simply by clicking on a link, perhaps by framing a QRcode. It is completely customizable with the customer’s logo and graphics.

How does it work?

ApplicaWeb is a versatile product that can be updated (through the integrated CMS) by anyone, at any time. For example, it can be used to publish the daily menu of a restaurant, or to make appointments for a medical or professional office, or, again, to publish the products of a shop. Customers will be able to install the app simply by scanning a QRcode

Why choose a PWA (progressive web app)?

First of all there is no need to upload it to the stores and therefore to sign up for a subscription, then the PWA does not take up space, it can be quickly installed on both IOS and Android devices, it can receive push notifications like “traditional” apps, thanks to the CMS can be updated at any time.

Discounted price 1,990 euros + VAT (instead of 3,500 euros + VAT)

The featured price will only be available for a limited time and includes:

App Development.
Graphic creation/adaptation.
Integrated push and/or direct notifications.
Server space (for 1 year)
Privacy Policy (for 1 year)

    Mini Website

    Mini site in WordPress with 5 pages

    It is a site developed in WordPress with 5 pages included, for example: home, products, offers, about us, contacts. Excellent for those who need a showcase site, perhaps on which to channel ADV campaigns, but do not have a large budget available.

    Why a Website, even a small one?

    Because now the presence on the web is essential and the mini site only has a limitation of pages, but it presents itself in all respects as a professional company site.

    Discounted price 940 euros + VAT (instead of 1,400 euros + VAT)

    The featured price will only be available for a limited time and includes:


    • Creazione sito.
    • Scelta tra tre template grafici.
    • Spazio server + dominio (per 1 anno).
    • Privacy Policy (per 1 anno).

    Mini sito di 5 pagine

    Please tell us your project

    Write for information or for any other request. We remind you that for estimates or to have a generic estimate of costs you can consult the “calculator” page.

    9 + 7 =


    Contact us for any request, for quotes, consultancy or even to ask for information on projects already published. We also remind you of the “calculator” section to get detailed estimates.


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